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Wednesday 8 August 2012

Berliner Kindl

So it's been more than a week since I got back from my awesome sauce trip to Berlin and the taste of my first Berliner Kindl Weisse still lingers on my lips. The memories of that lovely sunny day spent on  the cruise over Tiefer See (See = lake in German) never fail to bring a smile to my face. Infact, any memory from that trip instantly lightens up my mood. From the crazy first night at Gretchen, the coolest German wedding over the weekend (which was held at the planetarium), the amazing German countryside, some sunny days spent in the summer house at Riewend to swimming in the lakes from a private island, the Turkish market in Kreuzberg and partying till 7am in Chausseestraße. It would be impossible to list down each and every details but I hope the following pictures map out my journey and inspire you to visit Berlin as your next holiday destination.

Gretchen, Meringdam

The Wedding venue
After party venue

Riewend lake

Enroute Berlin from Riewend, Natures Symmetry

Me and my bff on the Tiefersee cruise
Scharfenberg, our private island on Lake Tegel
Turkish Market, Kreuzberg
Kreuzberg Hill, best view of Berlin

Tuesday 7 August 2012

'My Life' story for Holstee

The Holstee Manifesto has inspired me so much that it forms the headline of my blog. So you can imagine my excitement when they featured my story in their blog! Here's the story:

My Life

I’m a strong believer in dreams and the power of universe, and I’m positive that it’s precisely the latter that drew me to the Holstee Manifesto.
I was going through one of those frustrating stages in life, where everything seems to be falling apart. I had moved to London from Mumbai 3 years ago, finished my Masters and had a great job, but I’d also racked up a massive student loan which was giving me nightmares. Over the course of years, I let the the loan loom over my head, sucking away any joys or beautiful experiences out of my life, and made me a very bitter and regretful person. I’ve always loved reading and whilst surfing the internet once upon a lunch break, I came face-to-face with these words that completely shook me up.
It just took me 5 minutes to read and transform my life, take hold of it and not let anything else get in the way of my happiness. I started painting and dancing again, singing to myself, changing habits that I hated, stopped watching too much TV, stopped over analysing and started enjoying life one breath at a time. Before I knew it, I was smiling more often, had made a dozen new friends, learning new languages, and sharing my dream with the world. 
Thanks to my lifestyle and job, I’m lucky enough to travel more often than others. And while I’ve always loved travelling, it means so much more to me now. I see things differently, I connect with people and nature in a way I’ve never done before. I’ve started keeping my travel diaries (something I’ve wanted to do since I was 10) and every time I read an old entry, it brings a smile to my face.
I believe that each one of us is capable of something much bigger, stronger and higher than we can imagine and sometimes, all you need is a push in the right direction. For me, that was the Holstee Manifesto and I shall be eternally grateful to Mike, Fabian and Dan for writing and sharing it with us. Now, I share and spread the love with every interesting person I meet, and as you would expect, they all have their Manifesto posters glued to their walls!

Click here to read more: